How to Untie A Knotty Winter Style Problem: Winter Gnarls and Silk Scarves

“Gosh, I have so enjoyed this and feel like you have helped me sooo much. I feel like you have helped me get my confidence back at a time I really needed it. I also feel like a gained a really cool, fashionable frien (74).png

I pray you had a lovely Epiphany! And the most joyous Christmas season!

As I’ve been experiencing some colder than usual weather this season, I’ve found myself constantly in wool coats and scarves. Which can be fun for a time, but comes with consequences…

If you have long hair, you know what I mean …

That back-of-the-head knot of hair called ‘head gnarl!’ 

The constant rubbing with your wool coat/scarf against your hairdo inevitably leads to the most monstrous hair gnarl that you have to carve out time in your evening to comb out. It’s a monstrosity!!!

I told my mother about my winter dilemma and SHE advised a fabulous solution…

The silk scarf!!

Yep! It really is that easy. Simply wrap your scarf around your neck and be sure it protects the back wool collar of your coat. (May as well admit it… Moms really do know everything.) 

Your hair will now lightly glide along your coat rather than get gnarled up into dreadful knots. It is a simple trick that will save you tons of time! (and who doesn’t want that?!)

If you’ve been reading my blog, by now you KNOW that I love a great neck scarf, so this is just one more reason to build up a colorful cache of choices!!

I’ve ‘tied together’ a few scarf  suggestions  here for you to browse:

Hope your 2021 is off to a great beginning!

Question: What is YOUR #1 winter clothing hack?!