I Wrote a Book! The Catholic Wardrobe: Musings From a Personal Stylist

“Gosh, I have so enjoyed this and feel like you have helped me sooo much. I feel like you have helped me get my confidence back at a time I really needed it. I also feel like a gained a really cool, fashionable frien (54).png

I am DELIGHTED to share with you, that in just a couple months, this Fall… I will be releasing my very first ever book, The Catholic Wardrobe: Musings From a Personal Stylist.

This book offers practical steps to transform your personal style, advise you on wardrobe foundation basics, and ways for you to incorporate the Catholic faith (who doesn’t love a powerful Sacramental????!).

As you know, I have clients that I help one-on-one. But… I thought this would be a fabulous way to be able to help more women, in the quickest way possible. I really hope after applying this book to your closet, you will really enjoy your wardrobe and never stress about “what am I going to wear???!”.

Also, I think it’ll be a lot of fun for you! Yes, I might be biased because this is what I do on a daily basis, but I wrote this book with practical activities and steps you can take to develop your style and create a wardrobe that highlights the beauty (in and out) that God gave you!

Let’s get done to details… What’s really in the book? Well…

There are four parts to the book:

1. Finding your inspiration from Mother Mary.

2. Practical steps to develop your Personal Style.

3. How to easily build a beautiful wardrobe using basic style building blocks that will flatter your personality and figure.

4. Why incorporating Sacramentals is important and how to bring in your Catholic faith to your closet.

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My goodness, I am bursting out the seems for this to be in your hands! I truly hope it will provide tangible help and inspire you to build a delightful wardrobe!!

Question: Are you ready to transform your wardrobe this Fall?!?!