Meghan Ashley Styling

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Three 30-Minute Ideas to Jumpstart Your 2020 Closet

Are you ready for 2020? 

Now last year we chatted about making our Fashion Roadmap and the importance of having a plan to get your wardrobe where you want it to be. 

But... in order to know where you want to go with your closet, you’ll have to reflect on where your closet has been in order to make real change for the new year (AND decade) ahead.

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For instance, how many times in the past year have you felt stressed over what to (or not to) wear only to let those feelings of discouragement further affect your mood and, consequently, the quality of your day? If you’re like 60% of women in America, you know how that feels but I’ve got some good news to share: you CAN change that! 

It’s a busy time (for us Catholics, it’s still the Christmas season), so I’m not going to task you with a big project. Instead, I will leave you with three quick things you can do to your closet in 30 minutes (or less!) that will jumpstart your 2020 changes.

  1. Identify the 3 WORST  pieces in your closet: What are the 3 pieces that fill you with stress, or make you feel like a not--best-version of yourself? Once you’ve selected them, take a moment to think about why they invoked those feelings and write a note to yourself and save it on your phone. Then put those pieces (yes, even if they were a gift, or expensive, and/or you never wore it) in a donate pile!

  2. Pick out your 5 FAVORITES and place them spaciously and neatly in the most prominent part of your closet: This is a new trick I started over the summer. It makes it so easy to gravitate towards my favorite pieces that would otherwise get lost or muddled in a crush of clothes. Plus, looking at my favorite clothes hung so nicely and conveniently in front of me honed my aesthetic for my own personal style

  3. Ask/text a family member or trusted friend what they think is your BEST outfit they’ve seen you in: It’s so easy to get stuck in a bubble of what you think looks good or bad on you. Sometimes you need fresh eyes to give you a new perspective of where to go with your wardrobe. Of course you don’t have to follow any direction if you’re not happy or comfortable with it, but it’s a great way to invite fresh perspectives as you weigh in on your closet changes.

So... there you go! You’ve already jumpstarted the new year by putting into effect the first steps towards your style transformation. If you need any further help don’t forget that I’m always here for you! Send me an email and we’ll make time to chat!

Question: Were you surprised by what your friends/family said was your best outfit?!