Your 2019 Fashion Roadmap

If you knew me a couple years ago, you’d be familiar with my Phoebe-esque personality (someone with a more ‘bohemian spirit’ that acts on her intuition). NOT, I must say… the most practical way to get things D-O-N-E.

Entrez, mon mari…

My husband, Brice, is a genius extraordinaire of roadmapping and planning how to get where you want to be.

Watching him navigate our road trips I’ve seen how  good planning comes down to the nitty gritty. And when it does… it WORKS!

We’re all on the road towards working on our own style (even when it’s ‘perfect’ it’s still fun to make those minor tweaks and play around with it because your fashion evolves just like you do).

Let’s take a moment while we’re thinking about 2019 to set our BIG fashion goals. To envision your PERFECT closet, rid yourself of all of your STRESSFUL clothes and anything that makes you look/feel sub-par to what you really want.

So… meet your ‘2019 Fashion Roadmap.’ Designed to lay out the steps you can take to get you on your way to the closet that you deserve. A map to guide you in the right direction and help you get your closet where it should be.

Stop spinning your wheels and  feeling off-course about your personal style. Let’s change it THIS year!

My 2019 Fashion Plan Roadmap

My 3 style goals this year are (don’t hold back - dream BIG):




3 ways I’ll get there:

1.Bi-annnual Closet Cleanse

2.Create a fashion storyboard for private inspiration and/or to share on social media.  (I like to update my Pinterest (Here’s mine)  style page twice a month).

3.Reach out - I’m here to help:

My fashion icon this year is:


I will add __#_____ new pieces to my wardrobe.

And... ready, set,  go! You’re on your way to destination New You!

By following this fashion plan roadmap as you start flipping your closet, you’ll know where you’re going and stay on track building the fashion-sensible habits throughout the year that will keep you on course.

Question: What’s YOUR #1 fashion goal this year?