Summer Closet Cull: Refresh Your Summer Style
Hooray! For those of you in the hottest states in America, congratulations, you made it to August🥳! We are starting to cool down (just a little 😂).
And with that turn of the calendar page, may I suggest a mini Summer closet cull and refresh? We may be nearing the end of super Summer Heat but we still have a long way to go, so…
Before we begin the mad dash into Fall – because for real, as a personal stylist/shopper, I can ATTEST that life gets SUPER busy when people shift into ‘spend mode’ – let’s reevaluate our current Summer wardrobe, so it is one less thing to worry about when packing away this season’s clothes by the middle of September.
Before that rush hits, how about we trim that Summer wardrobe NOW, so we don’t store anything we most likely will NOT wear next year? This is the perfect time, while every individual piece is still fresh in our minds and we can be totally honest about what we wear and what we do not!
I did this a couple of weeks ago - it felt amaaaaaaaazing!!!! Most shocking to me was how you can hang on to something for years, fooling yourself into believing it is still something that you “think you might wear.” BUT if you add up just how many times you really did wear it – you may be surprised! And when you’re surprised, you really have to ripRIP the proverbial Band-Aid of a hanger OFF, and toss it in the donate pile (excluding anything so high quality or designer label that it could and should be passed down to be worn years later, fyi 🤗).
So here’s a quick 15-minute Summer refresh (really, just 15 minutes is all it will take to give your Summer wardrobe an up-to-date, practical, stylish, capsule-like feel).
Have I worn this AT ALL this Summer?
Is this in good shape?
If this was for a special occasion, if another occasion arises, would I prefer to buy new and current for my style?
Do I hang onto this because it “used” to be something I wore all the time, despite my lifestyle or location having changed?
Does it suit how my body type/age have changed?
There you go! It's pretty simple and pretty quick! Don’t overthink it (or else it will never get done 😂).
However… If you still feel like you DO need a little help with this, stay tuned. Because next week I will be introducing a special promo code for Club Membership (psssttt… there hasn’t been a public promo code for a year, so now’s the time to lock in yours, right before the Fall fashion season start).