Three Easy Steps to Set Yourself Up for Summer Style Success

“Gosh, I have so enjoyed this and feel like you have helped me sooo much. I feel like you have helped me get my confidence back at a time I really needed it. I also feel like a gained a really cool, fashionable frien (93).png

Can you believe it’s ALMOST summer?! Yes, it’s true! 2021 is just FLYING by. 

It also means that warmer weather is here, and our outfits get a little trickier to put together. Most women say that Summer is the most difficult season for them to dress. It’s tricky to be elegant, cool in the heat, modest, and have a relaxed look. 

There’s a lot of balls to juggle - it’s not like the Fall, where we can all slip on some cute ankle booties and a chic coat and call it a day. 

So I want to give you three easy tips to try that will make your summer style a breeze.

1.Pick your inspiration photos: You wouldn’t build a home without a plan, cook a complicated meal without a recipe or paint a mural without a sketch. It’s the same with our wardrobe, we need to see the end goal we’re going for and not just go to Nordstrom and buy whatever we think is a good deal.

2.Take inventory of what you love. What do you find yourself most enjoying wearing during the summer? You want to zero in on these pieces so that you can build your summer style around what you already love. SO many women I speak with just feel their closet is mish-mashed. If you pick out what you love first, you will know how to engineer your closet with the perfect pieces to add. Once you take inventory, you’ll make your prioritized shopping list (prioritized being the key word).

3.Find the right accessories. It’s easy to forget how the really right accessories can take your look from flop to fabulous. Maybe it’s a summer hat, or cat’s eye glasses, or a straw bucket bag. Oftentimes, it’s something so minor that you can add it to many outfits to really send your Look into the summer fun stratosphere.

Here are a few inspiration photos to inspire your Summer Mood.

Jackie O in Capri! via Pinterest

Jackie O in Capri! via Pinterest

Headscarves and boatnecks all the way!! via Pinterest

Headscarves and boatnecks all the way!! via Pinterest

Via Pinterest - great look for a cool Summer evening

Via Pinterest - great look for a cool Summer evening

WhoWhatWear Simple but oh-so-chic!

WhoWhatWear Simple but oh-so-chic!

Pinterest Ruffles galore!

Pinterest Ruffles galore!

Never underestimate the power of a white Tee! via Pinterest

Never underestimate the power of a white Tee! via Pinterest

Pinterest Nothing wrong with simple@

Pinterest Nothing wrong with simple@

For more practical tips like this, join the MAS Style Club, where you will receive amazing online deals, video calls with myself, and monthly tips so you can reach your dream wardrobe. I cannot wait to help you!

Question: What’s on YOUR Summer wish list?!