An Examination of Closet
When I was trying to understand my own style, it seemed like I was a pinball. I wanted to “know” my style and execute it, but I kept bouncing back and forth.
I’d buy some pieces and a few months later, feel like I had nothing to wear... that my clothes weren’t “me.” One day, I would look like a bohemian hippie and the next day, like I worked at J. Crew. I didn’t understand how I could have such different styles. It was confusing!
At any given day, as I got dressed, I could immediately feel a visceral frustration with my clothes. Then when I’d go shopping, I would buy pieces that counteracted those aggravating pieces. I’ll call this... "retaliation shopping." dun dun ... DUNNNNN
It was a "shopping lash out” that resulted in me combating an emotional frustration RATHER than filling a true gap in my closet.
Shopping (ideally) is a thoughtful reflection as to how you want to convey your personality and at the same time, align the needs of your lifestyle. It's important to be realistic, truthful and accurate when you're shopping, especially about what, how, where, when you use your clothes.
So that you're not a pinball machine that chronically buys the wrong pieces, I’ve made an Examination of Closet to help you navigate your next shopping experience. Here are a few notes to guide you to never retaliate in frustration at your wardrobe and get stuck with pieces you only wear once or twice ... but regret forever.
When doing this exercise, I HIGHLY recommend writing down your answers. Trust me, this really does work!
For all of you that have done the fashion quiz from my earlier post (check it out if you have not already), you have a great springboard to go from. Here are your next steps. Let's begin!
Step #1 - "What pieces do I NOT wear?"
“(Pull out the pieces you rarely wear) And go through each of them and ask yourself, “Why do I NOT wear this piece?””
Then ask yourself:
Question 1. Does it make you feel too fat or too skinny? Take note never to buy that cut/silhouette.
Q2. Is it not the “style vibe” you want to convey? Go one step further by saying “no”. Use your fashion quiz to pinpoint what style you should buy.
Q3. Is it age appropriate? Write down if you need to buy pieces that are more or less mature.
Q4. Is it modest? Just get it out of the closet, instead of keeping it for “just around the house”.
Q5. Does your daily lifestyle not need this type of garment? Make notes as to what garments you DO actually need on a daily basis.
Step #2 - "What pieces AM I wearing?"
“(Pull out now the pieces that you do wear) And go through each of them and ask yourself “Why do I wear this piece?””
Question 1. Do I wear it because it reflects my personality OR because I have nothing else to wear? Use this fashion quiz if you need help. If it's because you have nothing else, note that you'll need more variation in this garment type.
Q2. Where am I going when I wear this? This is what you should be building your closet for and should also be your most versatile pieces.
Q3. If it makes you feel pretty, what is the cut, color, and fabric of it? Shop for pieces with similar qualities, but still vary from what you already own.
Tah Dahhhhhh!
You did it! After you get a cookie to recharge your batteries, take a look at all of the notes you just jotted down.
THIS is all of your ammo to build a successful wardrobe. The goal is that by doing this exercise, you will buy fewer pieces because every piece in your closet has a purpose and makes you happy : )
Question: For the majority of the clothes you like, wear are you going in them?