Meghan Ashley Styling

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Summer Sanity Outfit… Are YOU Ready for Summer?

Summer is here!! Which also means… Here comes the sun and it’s going to get H-O-T!

My clients tell me that summer IS the most difficult season to style. It just feels so daunting to face the heat and stay comfortable, yet modest and stylish. Sometimes it can get so overwhelming that you don’t want to go anywhere, so you just stay home in the air conditioning.

Well, not THIS summer!

Rather than trying to attack your summer wardrobe all at once (and getting discouraged), why not start by finding just ONE outfit you know you can throw on during a heat wave and feel great. (For even more easy tips on building your summer wardrobe, read last year’s post here).

Let’s call this your ‘Summer Sanity’ outfit. 

There will be a few key characteristics that make up your Summer Sanity outfit and I think that it really will lift you out of that stressful moment when you open those closet doors and feel like you have nothing to wear. 

So… let’s take a closer look at this Summer Sanity outfit.

1.This outfit is versatile. You can run errands in it, take your kids to the park, meet friends for dinner, or dash to your adoration slot. 

2.The fabric is appropriate for heat. Don’t problems seem to just magnify when you’re hot? Make sure this outfit is in a fabric (like linen) that will keep you cool!

3.It’s easy to wash! Make sure you’re not adding to a to-do list. If it’s not easy to wash, you won’t be willing to wear it very often.

4.It offers coverage without being clingy. Flowing dresses are the best route to go because you can keep the heat regulated but still be dressed appropriately if you have to go into church or have a professional meeting.

5.Shoes make the transition between occasions. Some outfits really change with just the slip from a sandal to a summer wedge. Make your styling easy and let the shoes do the work!

Et voila! Now, let’s get shopping, with some dresses that I think fit the bill and hope they make your summer styling easy AND breezy!

Get access to the rest of these links, or… get some catered looks for yourself, click here.

Question: What is YOUR Summer go-to Look?