Meghan Ashley Styling

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Coats: Wrapping up the Top Three Trends

As I’m writing this, I am in the Midwest for a work-styling trip, and I cannot get my mind off how COLD it is! 

While I find the cold painful, I DO find it fun to wear coats!

So I thought we should take a moment and talk about three coat trends. Now, I get it, coats are an investment piece and so it’s good to go more classic. I’m totally on that boat (I’m reaping the benefits right now while I wear my Grandmother’s faux fur coat). It’s like being hugged by a bear! Oh, the coziness!

Anyways, with trends in general, many of them are built around classic themes that, if you stay true to your style personality, you will be able to wear even when they are not “in trend.” So, it’s important to pick style elements that also ring true with your wardrobe and aesthetics. That approach will work for any budget and ease the stress of getting dressed, since everything will have a consistent theme.

There are three trends that pop out to me as styles both timeless and still capable of looking chic in 2030 (gosh, why does that year sound so futuristic?!).

One last note: The coat is often an investment piece. It’s worth it to invest in one of quality (and hopefully on sale!), so that it does indeed last for years. AND you can 1000%tell the difference between a nice coat and a cheap-throw away. Look at your cold weather coat as something you can pass down within the family. That may even help you style-wise if it is something of ‘fashion value,’ TO be passed down.

Now, let’s run through the coat trends now.

  1. Houndstooth - thank you Coco Chanel for making this popular in the 1920’s

Calvin Klein Stand-Collar Houndstooth Walker Coat

2. Shearling - a cozy vibe with a western, Americana flair

dh New York Alison Faux Shearling Moto Jacket

3. Fur-trimmed - perfect way to add some luscious decadence without being over-the-top

Sophia Cashmere Shawl Collar Coat

To view more coats for this winter, join the MAS Style Club. By joining the club I’ll also help you personally pick the perfect one (and find that amazing deal!).

Question: What style coat is YOUR favorite to wear?