Okay, It’s Time to Bloom: Transitioning Your Wardrobe from Winter to Summer

“Gosh, I have so enjoyed this and feel like you have helped me sooo much. I feel like you have helped me get my confidence back at a time I really needed it. I also feel like a gained a really cool, fashionable frien (27).png

I can hardly believe I can type these words right now but Spring is NEXT week! Am I the only one who gets SO excited for Winter but, once Lent is here, I’m just itching to switch out my chilly weather clothes for some light, bright warm weather fashion. 

This passed weekend, I got my closet Spring/Summer ready and it was JUST as refreshing as the beautiful Hycinths I bought yesterday at Trader Joe’s.

Rather than just removing your coats and sweater then adding those brighter colors, we can make this process an opportunity to grow your personal style and understanding what works practically for your every day life.

I’ve broken up this process into 7 key steps. Follow these and you are on your way to a very enjoyable Spring Wardrobe!

  1. Get rid of everything you can barely stand to look at. Just get it out of your system. Sometimes it’s difficult to focus on new possibilities when you're cluttered with stuff bumming you out. You know you’ve waited for this moment to yank it out of your closet so  enjoy it!! And once I’ve purged it from my day-to-day closet, I like to store bulky winter items in large suitcases and old, clear mattress bags.

  2. What’s your inspiration for the Spring and Summer? If you’re going on a trip or pilgrimage this can be a great place to start identifying what your style statement will be. Packing for a trip makes you hone in on what you really like and what’s really important to you. I like to keep a curated Board on Pinterest dedicated to this. It’s easier to see styles and outfits that catch your eye and keep inspiration  in front of you. When I’m providing my Virtual Styling service to clients and helping them getready for vacations or summer pilgrimages, it works as a fantastic springboard for them to start revamping their whole look. Brice and I are headed back to France this summer, and I am doing it now, as well… I must say - it works!!!

  3. Set aside your top Spring/Summer pieces. What sticks out to you the most? What are some outfits that if you saw them on Pinterest, you would “ooh and ahh” over? You should set aside  about 5-8 pieces.

  4. Create a “ShowCase” section of your closet. What do I mean? This is where all of your favorite pieces (that you just set aside) will go. This is a section of your closet that uses pretty hangers, has a reasonable amount of space between pieces so nothing gets crushed or wrinkled, and is just plain nice to look at.

  5. Review  the rest of your clothes and compare them with your “ShowCase” section. Are there any pieces at second glance you’re starting not to like, after seeing them compared to your most favorite pieces? Which light winter pieces can you creatively combine with your ShowCase section (often a lighter sweater or cardigan that you can toss over your shoulders).

  6. Pull out all of the clothes that leave you feeling lackluster  or aren’t suitably versatile enough to mix/match with your Showcase section. You can either donate them to charity or just remove them for your closet for a month or two and see if you miss them!

  7. After ruminating over your inspiration and Showcase section, prioritize which pieces you need to add to your Spring wardrobe to really make it come to life and exponentially grow it. Get creative with mixing and matching! I can assure you that,  being super intentional on what works for your lifestyle and personality and your current wardrobe, will leave you feeling MUCH less regret overwhat you buy! Plus, more money can stay IN your pocket!

I can’t wait to hear how this goes for you!

Question: Where are you off to this summer?!