Meghan Ashley Styling

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THE Summer Bag: The Crossbody

Happy June! It officially becomes Summer this month! Are you ready for the sunshine and heat???

This past month, we’ve gone over essential summer wardrobe staples - dresses and pants. But what is more essential than having a purse that can carry your phone and wallet? We can’t leave the house without THAT now, can we?!

For purses, I generally recommend having a couple of ‘staples, that are neutral and classic, and will easily go with anything you wear… Plus a trendier, fun, “personality purse” that can jazz up a look, or put a refreshing spin on an outfit and  take it from day to night.

First… I’d like to have us look at another type of purse: The Summer Crossbody.

For years, I have loved having my blush Kate Spade purse for the Summer. It really has not let me down and when I try something new, I always wind up going back to it, because it really is the best purse. 

I can use it casually during the day or out to dinner at a nice restaurant. It’s super versatile and gives me the perfect amount of space I need to carry.

Have you tried a crossbody? 

Well, here are five good reasons why I think it’s a summertime ‘home run’:

1. Good for traveling because safety wise, nobody can pull it off your shoulder. Also, if you sit outside to eat, you can still keep it strapped around you without being an imposition.

2.It’s easier to carry it in the heat, because you’re not lugging something heavy around on your arm or shoulder.

3.For plane travel, you can throw it in your “personal item” (backpack or tote bag) and thus, get away with a carryon, a personal item, AND a purse.

4.It helps you streamline what you carry down to the essentials - the few cards you need in your wallet, sunnies, tissues, chapstick, and rosary. No reason to carry old parking meter receipts and free mints from restaurants you’ll never eat.

5.Every outfit you wear won’t be dictated (or overwhelmed) by a large shoulder bag. You can slide it behind you for pictures and selfies, so you don’t see it in every vacation photo!

Here are a few choices to shop!

PLUS… This week we have some really AMAZING deals for club members from brands like Longchamp, Ted Baker, Marc Jacobs, Kate Spade, and Madewell.

Question: What is YOUR go-to summertime bag?