Meghan Ashley Styling

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An Homage To Coco: The Collarless Jacket

Happy Easter!! Jesus is RISEN! And we are still celebrating because we’ve also entered the full-blown Spring fashion season, which is a refreshing welcome after a long, cold Winter (and Lent.) 

So, today, I want to talk about that one garment that will REALLY make a difference in your wardrobe.

It’s feminine and so easily polishes up any outfit. It’s a timeless piece that you can invest in and enjoy for years upon years. It’s also… comfy! 

What is this amazing article of clothing that I know will be a game changer for you?

Why… It’s the Collarless Jacket!

Here are fivereasons why I’m absolutely enthralled with this piece. Sometimes known as a ‘mandarin’ or ‘grandad’ collar (not TOO un-stylish a term, right?! or even a ‘cardigan’) if it’s a soft, wrap-around style), I hope you will see why this Spring style choice will work out for you, as well!

Let’s break it down!

1. The jacket is the perfect bridge when you feel a blazer is too stiff or professional, and a sweater just ‘isn’t enough’.

2. It hits higher on the hip, so when you wear a dress, you won’t lose your waistline (as one often does when breaking the visual line of a dress with a blazer).

3. It polishes up a more casual look, like jeans, T-shirt, and sneakers.

4. It’s a perfect additionto an office look to still maintain a professional vibe.

5. It has a more feminine feel and  isn’t as ‘menswearish’ as a traditional blazer.

Ready to try one on for yourself? Shop the links below!

Mango Cropped Tweed Jacket

Mango Cotton Blend Cropped Tweed Jacket

Theory Cropped Jacket in Cotton Tweed

Access more shopping links and let me act as your Personal Stylist, just click here.

Question: How do YOU style the Collarless Jacket?