Meghan Ashley Styling

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Toe Socks: Happy Feet

Merry Christmas!! I hope you’ve been having a very joyful Christmas season! 

This year, I’ve been in Sedona, Arizona and it has been pure magnificence. They say, “God built the Grand Canyon, but lives in Sedona.” I highly recommend visiting this southwest corner of our country, especially if you love to hike and be outdoors.

With all that hiking, as you can imagine, people want to use and wear the top gear, not only to keep themselves comfy but to stayready for the trails. And this is where I MUST share with you one of the best kept secrets for footwear(and I think you really will enjoy going along with  me on this, since one of my most popular blogs has been on comfortable shoes).

Now, I must be frank, when I first saw these I could hardly believe it. But then… I tried them on and I could FEEL all the advantages.

Curious what they are????

Brace yourself!!!!!

Toe socks!

I’m afraid I may have lost you so I’m going to quickly tell you the advantages of toe socks and then leave it up to you to decide if you’d like to change the comfort level of your feet forever.

  1. Your feet stay warmer! Think of it like gloves vs. mittens. The closer fabric is to your skin, the warmer it is. Gloves keep your hands warmer than mittens so why wouldn’t it be the same for feet?

  2. If you are prone to bunions and your toes scrunching up - these will be much more delightful for you. They spread your toes out so they’re more evenly spaced and comfortable (there’s that word again!) 

  3. They reduce friction in your shoes and thus - less blisters!

  4. The socks dissipate moisture so you have less sweat rubbing between your toes (I’m sorry for this sounding crass, but there’s really no other way to say it).

  5. It encourages proper circulation of blood!

  6. Your feet are lying naturally with spread toes, so you can actually balance better and your toes function separately.

  7. You can get toe socks in thinner materials (like liners for flats/loafers) or thicker, snugglier options for shoes or boots.

Between the health benefits and the improvement in your walking posture/performance… what is not to love about toe socks?! Here are a few choices for you to consider:

Injinji Toe Socks

Injinji LIghtweight Wool Run Sock

Therapeutic Heel Gel Toe Socks

Tabio Sports Toe Socks

Now… I must hear from you in the comments: Am I crazy?! There must be more toe sock lovers out there!

Question: Okay, tell me the truth on this!